Are Luxury Handbags worth the Money?

Luxury handbags such as Louis Vuitton, Prada, and other designer names are hot ticket items.

Luxury brand name handbags can be seen all over the arms of celebrities as they walk the red carpet, go shopping, or just go about their day to day business. They can also been seen on the arms of many ordinary every day citizens as well. Many of these handbags cost upwards of a couple of thousands of dollars and you have to stop and consider whether or not a luxury handbag is worth a few grand or whether or not a inexpensive knock off will work just as well.

Of course, if you have the money to blow on a luxury handbag, then go for it. But if not, you need to weight the pros and the cons of luxury handbags. Keep in mind that deciding whether or not the bags are worth the money ultimately come down to your opinion.


Luxury Handbags will last longer than most others.

One of the biggest pros of a luxury handbag is the material that they are made of. Designers such as Louis Vuitton, Prada, and Fendi tend to use the best materials on the market. Italian leathers, real high quality furs, and the best metal buckles and pieces are all used in these luxury handbags. By using these high quality products, the designers are providing you with handbags that will be able to stand up to the punishing you put them through when you use them day after day. After all, if you are going to have a luxury handbag, you want to show it off.

Additionally, the construction of these luxury handbags are usually superior to their less expensive knock offs, meaning that their interior lining will not fray at the seams, the buckles holding the handles or shoulder strap on won’t bust, and other construction issues.


Of course the biggest con is the price of the bags.

Louis Vuitton bags have been known to price for around $4,000. Most people do not have this type of money to drop for a purse. Some designer brands cost only a few hundred dollars, but in this time of economic crisis, justifying spending that kind of money may be very difficult, especially when the money could be used for something more beneficial, like food or a utility bill. They are also hard to find in smaller areas.

Usually large city department and designer stores will carry these luxury handbags and rural areas are not considered marketable areas. You will have to travel a bit to get one of these handbags. Plus, this is the only way you can be assured that you are not getting a cheap knock off bag for the same money.

Choosing the perfect luxury handbag is a matter of personal preference as well as whether or not you want to pay the money for these bags. They are better quality, there is no doubt about that, but not everyone can justify the cost when they can get a similar bag that will work just as well for a fraction of the price.

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